Thursday, October 20, 2011

So excited to not take a nap

Thursday afternoons are really hectic for us.  Handley has Ballet/Tap at 3:45, meaning we need to leave around 3:15 to get there in time to get everyone inside and get her changed into her ballet shoes.  That means waking Harper up by no later than 3:00 from her hour earlier than she usually gets up. That results in her being cranky and whiny, which results in me getting frustrated and feeling like I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut-off, rushing to get everyone ready and out the door.  A few weeks ago I decided it just wasn't worth having Harper nap on Thursdays.  It would be easier on all of us if she'd just rest on the couch with Handley on those days and get to bed a little earlier in the evening.  Since we started doing this last week, each Thursday Handley will ask Harper in the morning, "Are you excited about resting with me today?!?!" Harper always responds with a little song and dance, "Me no nap today, me no nap today!"

This afternoon when we got home from school I put a show on for Harper and she climbed onto the couch to start her "rest" while I took Handley upstairs to help her change into her dance attire.  I thought it was awfully quiet downstairs and we when returned, we found out why.

Poor thing was so tired and was so excited about not taking a nap. :-) She'd also shed a bow somewhere by this point, but both pigtails are still in tact.  Pretty good for a full day at school.


Stefanie said...

Priceless picture. She's such a doll.

Unknown said...

That's pretty funny and cute!

Julie, the mama said...

Just precious. One of my favorite Harper pictures!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has CRAZY Thursdays.