Friday, December 16, 2011

Hudson - 5 months

Hudson turned five months old today.  We all love him so much and can't get enough of his sweet, flirty smiles.  He continues to be laid back and easy going, which is just fine by me.  I constantly have people commenting on what a good baby he is.  Mostly because he rarely cries and when I'm out running errands he is content to sit in the stroller or his carseat and just take in his surroundings.  He has learned his preferences of being held or being close to me.  I used to be able to put him on the floor with some toys and  walk away to do some things with no problem.  Not anymore!  Now the second I put him down on the floor he starts whining and wanting me to pick him up, which I usually do, because he is the baby and I do love that fact that he wants to be close to his mommy.  However, when I do need to get some things done I can usually count on Handley to sit with him and she does a great job filling in for me.

 At five months he:

  • loves to eat baby food and has had sweet potatoes, squash, pears, and applesauce.
  • takes 3 naps a day and occasionally a 4th little cat nap in the evenings.
  • likes putting toys in his mouth and chewing on his fingers
  • has become increasingly interactive and smiles at us all the time. 
  • laughs when ticked, but he hasn't found anything else funny enough to laugh at...yet.
  • enjoys his bath and prefers to sit up in the bath now instead of reclining back.  
  • discovered his feet and thinks they are loads of fun to grab.
  • rolls around on his back from side to side, but still hasn't flipped all the way over. 
  • can roll from his stomach to his back. 
  • loves playing in the exersaucer and is happy to hang out in there for a really long time. 
  • starts fussing every time I put him in the car seat, but calms down as soon as he has his paci.
  • loves the paci when he is tired. 
  • falls asleep on his own for naps at at bedtime each night, generally with absolutely no crying at all!
  • calms down if he is upset as soon as I give him his blue lovey.  He loves covering his face with it.
  • sleeps with the lovey covering his face and while I used to go in and move it off, now I just leave it.  In fact, if he is upset or wakes at night, sometimes all it takes is putting it back on his chest so he can pull it over his face.  
  • can sleep all night, but usually wakes once a night.  Often it's due to a leaky diaper.  I've tried going up a size and using overnight diapers, but for some reason he still wets through and wakes with wet pajamas. 
He was more interested in his feet than he was looking at me for a picture. :-)

How he sleeps


Jen said...

Happy five month bday!!! I love how he sleeps. :) He is growing up way too fast!!

Julie, the mama said...

I don't think I have ever seen a cuter 5 month old. Good gosh, I could just eat him up with a spoon.

Erin said...

Adorable! Colton went through a phase about the same time where he peed through every diaper. Payton never had that problem. He finally got to a point that he didn't pee so much. It is annoying though! Hopefully Hudson grows out of it soon!

Ashleigh Finger said...

So adorable!!

Alison LeBlanc said...

He is beautiful, Carrie Beth! Love how you describe giving in and holding him- I haven't wanted to put Rory down.

max harrell said...

Merry Christmas to all of the Little HIP Chicks. Your family is such a blessing and yes I catch myself checking in and out to just enjoy your post and your family. May the blessings of God continue to flow through you and yours. May your journey always be guided by His light and may your children's children's allow His light to shine through them. Love to you all, still wish that Hendley and Handley coulbe friends. Not so sure if we should allow Harper and Boss to get togther but I just bet Anna Bea would keep Hudson entertained. ♥♥♥!

max harrell said...

woops, I keep forgetting that my google account is in Max's name. The post before is from Carol, aka, Granc to Mama & Them! Didn't want you to think that a weirdo man was commenting. LOL

myrtle said...

WoW! such an adorable little boy.
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