Saturday, November 1, 2008

Handley is getting a...

Baby SISTER!!! We went to the gender determination ultrasound today at Babies First Images. I went to the same place when I was 16 weeks pregnant with Handley to find out if she was a boy or girl, so we decided to do the same thing this time around. My mom and dad gave me the ultrasound as a birthday gift and we all were excited about today. She was not being very cooperative at first and kept her legs crossed tightly. After some time she finally started moving around and the ultrasound tech said she was 98% sure our baby is a girl!!! We are so excited and can't wait to meet our sweet little one. I'll have another ultrasound with my doctor in a few weeks, so hopefully we'll get more confirmation then.

We had a great Halloween and Handley had so much fun trick-or-treating. I have lots of fun pictures to share, so check back soon!


the mckechnies said...

i have to say, i had a feeling it would be another girl! how exciting! i was stalking your blog all day to see if you'd post the news. handley is going to love her little sister. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah! Handley is going to love having a sister to play with! Congrats!

Katie Jones said...

Congratulations! What fun it will be to have two sweet little girls to play with and dress up. Handley will be a great big sister!

Jason, Erin, Ella, and Colin said...

Yay!! I am so excited! See you (three) girls tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I know you guys are thrilled for another baby GIRL!!!! She will have all the adorable things Handley perfect!!! Poor Robby, now he will be REALLY out numbered!!

Allison D said...

My gut feeling was finally right about someone! :) YOu all are going to be such a cute little family. Congrats!

The Clark Family said...

YAY, what fun for mommy! Congrats!