Thursday, June 23, 2011

Handley's 4 year checkup

After ballet class this morning we made our way to the doctor's office for Handley's 4 year check-up.  She did a great job and even thought she knew she was going to be getting shots, she was excited about going.  They took her blood pressure, gave her hearing and vision tests, and asked her to draw a picture of a person to see how many body parts she included in her drawing.  Not to be outdone, Harper enjoyed answering every question that was asked of Handley.

Her stats were no surprise to me...she's tall and skinny!

height - 41 3/4 inches (90th percentile)
weight - 35 lbs. (48th percentile)

She cried for just a second during her shots and then perked right up when she found out that she would be getting a popsicle and a token to use in the prize dispenser.  Thankfully the nurses were nice enough to give Harper the same treats.

They warned me that her legs might be sore from the shots and I felt so bad for her this afternoon because I could tell they were becoming sore and she complained of them a lot.  Poor thing could hardly bend down to pick something off the ground.  However, that did not stop her from having some fun on her new slip-n-slide (a birthday gift from Uncle Cameron) this evening after dinner.  We decided to try it out for the first time and the girls (and our next door neighbor) loved it!

Harper can't figure out quite how to get the sliding part down, but Handley was sweet enough to pull her down each time she wanted to go.


Erica said...

She's tall and skinny just like her beautiful mama!

Jason, Erin, Ella, and Colin said...

That is so sad about her legs being sore. As hard as shots are on babies, I think it is harder with the older kids who can tell you just how it hurts. Poor thing!
(thought that slip 'n' slide looked like a lot of fun!)

Julie, the mama said...

Hope that leg is all better by now.

So, now we've taught the girls to swim, and gotten the 4 year appt out of the way, can Hudson be the next big event please??? I feel like you've been pregnant for 15 months already.

Unknown said...

Good thing you're having a boy! You're going to need some reinforcement for these tall and slender, blondes!!!!