Friday, March 4, 2011

Harper used the potty!!!

Today Harper decided that she wasn't in a napping mood so after spending about an hour in her crib I finally went to get her and let her "rest" on the couch with Handley. While they were watching a show I was in the basement sorting through some of their old clothes and trying to decide what to save, what to sell, etc.  All was quiet for the longest time and then I heard Handley's feet running and she was frantically yelling down to me, "MOMMY!!!  HARPER JUST PEE-PEED IN THE POTTY!!!!!!!" I flew up the stairs in record time to find Harper pulling up her pants over her bare bottom and walking out of the bathroom nonchalantly.  I asked her if she went pee-pee in the potty and a huge grin spread across her face.  I ran to the bathroom, looked in the little potty and saw it full of pee.  I could NOT believe she had gone and I could NOT believe that I missed it.  :-(  I didn't think about that at the time though. Instead, I started screaming with delight and Handley joined me as we started jumping up and down to celebrate and giving Harper the biggest hugs possible.  Her grin turned into a big smile and she was so proud of herself.  I ran to the pantry and searched through our stash of candy to find some M&M's and I ended up giving her a whole bowl full because I was so proud of her (and because candy bribes/treats really work for her and I wanted her to use the potty again).

When things calmed down I asked Handley to recap what had happened for me.  She told me that she had gone into the bathroom to potty and Harper had followed her, taken her diaper off (not an unusual thing) and sat on the potty.  Handley said then she thought she heard Harper going and when she looked in she saw pee-pee and ran to tell me.

I've been feeling like Harper is ready to begin potty training and if I hadn't already planned to put her in her big girl bed tomorrow for the first time I would probably start our boot-camp training tomorrow. However, I don't want too many big changes going on at one time so instead I'll stick to my original plan and do it later this month.  However, we will of course keep encouraging her to go.  Today she tried to use the potty a few other times, and promptly asked for candy when doing so.   I knew the M&M reward would work like magic for her.  :-)  That girl loves her sweets.

Enjoying her M&M's

1 comment:

Erica said...

Yay for Harper! I'm sure she'll be a pro at using the potty by the time her baby brother gets here.