Thursday, January 22, 2015

100th Day of School

Wow! I seriously can't believe it is the 100th day of school today for the girls. I love that schools make a big deal about this milestone of a day and celebrate in really fun ways.  All of the Kindergarten classes were trying to collect 100 canned or boxed food items per class for Must Ministries.  Not only were they working on counting objects to 100, but they were also able to help out those in need.  We slowly sent in our share of cans because those suckers make for a heavy backpack for a 5 year old.

2nd grade has the most fun of all.  They get to dress up like they are 100 years old and parade around the school for everyone to see.  Handley has been talking about this since last year when her class watched the 2nd graders.  She planned her outfit, accessorized, and of course, needed gray hair (just a little baby powder did the job).

Hudson has not been in school 100 days yet, but he celebrated today at home with me!  Earlier this week I finally admitted to myself that his tennis shoes were a little too snug and a little too worn.  I mean, holes in the toes can only get you so far, right?!?  I took him to get measured and try on new shoes.  I had ever intention of just getting a bigger size of the gray New Balance ones he had because they match everything and are pretty classic.  However, he spotted these awesome blue and neon yellow ones and just knew those were the ones for him.  They were less expensive and seemed a lot more comfortable for him, so I just threw caution to the wind and went for it.  According to Hudson, they are the fastest running shoes he's ever had and he is quite proud of them. He shows them off to anyone who will take a look.  :-)

He wanted me to send a picture to Robby so I did and then Robby sent a picture back of his work shoes.  They were nice shoes, mind you, but after showing the picture to Hudson he said they were slow shoes. Ha!  I was cracking up.  Then, because I was wearing my running shoes that day too, he told me we could be on a fast team together because the fast people need to stick together, but not people with slow shoes like Daddy.  Too funny!  How cute is he?!?!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Reese dressed like an old lady today too! It was too cute. Handley looks precious!