Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One more day

I'm not one of those mom's that can't wait for school to start back.  I really do love having my kids home with me and although they do argue at times, for the most part they all get along so well together and truly enjoy playing with one another.  So, you can imagine my excitement when yesterday around lunchtime I got an automated call from the county saying that school was cancelled for the next day (Tuesday) due to inclement weather.  It wasn't snow or ice, but just the extremely cold temperatures that caused all of the metro-county schools in our area to close.  There were concerns about the buses not working properly, the buildings not heating properly after being on a break for 2 weeks over Christmas, and concerns about kids not having proper attire to stand at a bus stop in 7 degree weather.  I was so happy they cancelled school and thrilled to have just one more day before having to get started back in our normal routine.

The pre-school was not closed because they don't rely on buses, etc. but I still kept the little ones home for one more day, too.  We celebrated by playing last minute games, letting the kids stay up late to watch part of the National Championship game, and having one more day to sleep in this morning.

We did go to the girls' dance class this afternoon and it was nice to see some friends, catch up, and ease back into our routine.  6:00 AM is going to come very early tomorrow, but I'm happy it will be a really short week for us.

1 comment:

Alison LeBlanc said...

I was so glad to have have an extra two days off, too! I just hope they don't add on days at the end of the year. I am already ready for summer break :)