Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for both girls!  They woke up early and excited.  After getting dressed we came downstairs to find special notes for each of them from Daddy (who left for work early before the girls got up) giving them a pep-talk and wishing them a great first day.  As they ate Handley was giving Harper advice on how to meet new friends in her class.

When we got to school they both buzzed around chatting with their friends in the lobby while waiting for the classroom hallway doors to open at 9 AM.  As soon as Handley saw the doors open she literally took off running!  I had to remind her to wait for me.  We dropped Harper off at her classroom first and I wasn't surprised when she walked right in without looking back.  I grabbed her for a quick hug and then she was off, but not before flashing me the biggest smile.

Next it was Handley's turn and just like Harper, she walked right in without looking back.  I walked back past Harper's classroom to peek in before I left and found that all of the kids in there were crying...except Harper who still had a big smile on her face.

When I picked them up this afternoon both girls were eager to tell me all about their day, their classrooms, and all of the fun stuff they did.  Handley was especially excited to tell me about all the "special" things her class will get to do this year.

They played school all afternoon and outside after dinner I was appointed the teacher as they played school some more.  As I was putting Harper to bed it occurred to me that I needed to let her know we would be taking Handley to school tomorrow, but that she would be coming back home with me and Hudson.  She was NOT happy about that and kept saying, "Me go to school too" over and over.  I assured her that after one day at home with me she would get to go back to school on Wednesday.  I'm so happy that they both had such a fantastic day!


Jason, Erin, Ella, and Colin said...

The letters from Daddy are such a great idea!!

Stacey said...

Love first day stories! I know the letters from Daddy started their day off on a really special foot!

Alison LeBlanc said...

I wish I got reports about what they did at school! That is great they both had such a great time. It is very hard on Jude, too, when we take Finnan and not him. It is good to know that he loves it that much though :)

Julie, the mama said...

What a great report, and I LOVE the letters from daddy idea. I have a feeling Boss is going to go NUTS on the days when Hendley goes and he doesn't.

Erica said...

Glad the girls had a great first day!

Michelle said...

That last pic is so precious!