Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of Camp

This week the girls are attending camp at their school.  The camp runs from 9 AM - 1 PM and basically has the same schedule as their school day.  I decided to sign them up for this camp to get them back into the school groove and to help Harper to feel more comfortable when she starts school for the first time in a few weeks.  We've been talking about camp a lot this past week and over the weekend.  This morning before we left you would have thought we were getting ready to go to Disney World!  They were SO excited for today.  The first thing Handley told me this morning was that she got a little bit of sleep, but mostly she was just too excited to sleep.  :-)  I think they are sick of being at home so much the past few weeks and were craving some interaction with friends.

Handley's BFF, Avery, is attending the camp with her this week and Harper's BFF's, Jake and Reece, are attending with her.  The kids were all really happy to see each other this morning.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from drop-off with Harper, but she did so GREAT!  She walked right into her class and didn't look back.  I was so proud of my big girl and couldn't believe it was so easy.  Now I am feeling really confident in my decision to send her to school 3 days a week this year.  When I picked them up everyone was all smiles and talked the whole way home about how much fun they'd had and all about what they had done.

Over the weekend we went to the lake for the first time with Hudson.  We were all ready for a change of scenery and I really wanted Robby to be able to take the girls out on the boat.  Hudson and I stuck around he house and relaxed while the girls and Robby went out on the water.  They did some cruising on the boat, played at a beach, had a picnic lunch, and spent some time with some of our lake friends up there.  Saturday night we all went out for Mexican and it was so nice to just get out and feel normal.  We're heading back in a few weeks and plan to take Hudson out on the boat next time for his first ride.

Speaking of Hudson, he is doing much better. He still has some fussy times related to gas, but I am pretty convinced it's just due to an immature digestive system that continues to improve each day.  So much of what I've read and people I've talked to say it will better itself between 4-6 weeks and I'm already seeing a difference.  Thank goodness, because the cutting back on dairy thing lasted about 2 days.  I'm very happy that I don't have to give up on cheese and ice cream. :-)


Stefanie said...

I can't believe school is starting! Summer just flew by! So glad you all had a great time at the lake.

The Dillards said...

Ice cream would be hard to give up. Glad to hear you are finding a new normal.