Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kite-Flying day

We had a great day.  It started with Robby and Handley's first daddy/daughter breakfast date.  He's been talking about starting this tradition with her for sometime and today was the day.  She was so excited and couldn't get out the door fast enough this morning.  She had her very first taste of Waffle House and loved it.

Next, we all spend the morning running errands and getting a few things checked off our to-do list before heading home for lunch and a non-existent nap. Harper, who is not ready to give up her nap, has been trying to do just that.  Out of the past 6 days she napped 2 of them.  The other days she hangs out in her crib for about an hour just playing, singing, and doing anything she can to keep herself awake including calling "MAMA!!!!" over and over and over.  When I finally go in and get her I ask her why she didn't go to sleep and she just shrugs her shoulders, smiles and says, "I don't know." Handley stopped napping consistently by the time she was about 18 months old, and she was fine without a nap.  To this day, she still "rests" and watches tv or a movie so that she can have some downtime, but she rarely got fussy or cranky in the evenings.  Harper, on the other hand, is not ok with a nap.  What's happening is that she knows Handley is on the couch watching a movie and wants to be right there with her.  However, Harper does get cranky, fussy, grumpy and any other word you can think of to describe a tired kid without a nap.  I'm hoping this phase passes and she goes back to taking her great 2 hour naps.  I'm certainly not going to give up that easily.

This afternoon we took advantage of the sunshine and spent sometimes outdoors.

It was pretty windy and it turned out to be a great kite-flying day.  Handley had so much fun flying her kite and would have kept doing it all day if we didn't have to head indoors to get ready for our dinner plans with the Atkinsons.


Julie, the mama said...

We could have used a good kite up here today too. Love the pictures.

LORI said...

Lainey and Eric started Saturday morning WaHo dates when I was pregnant with Bree. She loves it! They've even snuck in a couple of weekday ones and then he brings her to school. This morning L wasn't up for it so Bree took her place :)

Jason, Erin, Ella, and Colin said...

I think that last picture needs to be framed! Love it:)