Sunday, January 17, 2010

A busy day of playing

We had a pretty relaxing weekend with nothing too exciting to report.  We did have a busy day of playing at home today though.  We did it all: 

- took a walk so Handley could practice riding her tricycle - she's getting a hang of peddling on her own 
- played in her little playhouse until we got too cold
- had a dance party where Handley insisted that EVERYONE get up and dance
- Handley got all dressed up so she could go to "the store"

-Harper had fun playing the piano, one of her new favorite things to do (she isn't wearing any clothes because she was getting ready to get in the bath)

And the girls ended the night with their favorite - a "boat ride" to the bathtub.  


Julie, the mama said...

My kids love to go on boatrides, too. They also love to push each other, which can be frightening to watch!

Love Handley's "go to the store outfit". She's got accessorizing down pat!

Jennifer said...

Adorable! :) Did Boat Ride get inspiration from Turtle Toppin'? :)

Erica said...

I totally thought of "turtle toppin", too!