to feed Handley the healthiest foods possible. I made the majority of her baby food and if you look in our freezer, it is stocked with meal options that I've made for her (Robby always gets excited when I start cooking, but a lot of the time it ends up being something yummy and nutritious for her while we have hot-pockets for dinner...j/k, but not really :-). Anyway, I found a great recipe for healthy home-made popsicles, so I slaved in the kitchen one night about a month ago. I made 8 popsicles and she's only eaten 2 of them. Not because she didn't like them, but because after the first few messy experiences, I can't bring myself to let her have another. The popsicles were made with yogurt, bananas and blueberries. The blueberry part is just a stain waiting to happen.

The first time I gave her one I thought I was being smart by putting a bib on her and going outside. Yeah right! Little miss independent wanted to hold it herself, but had no clue about holding the stick part. Instead she just wrapped her little fingers around the entire popsicle and as it started melting, she'd lay it down on the deck, wipe her hands on her shirt, and pick it up to start licking again. Needless to say that sweet yellow shirt she had on is now covered in blue drips and no stain remover will get them out.
Her second popsicle was also eaten outside on our deck. This time I got smart and took her clothes off so they wouldn't' get stained. I was so happy to let her her lick away at the sweet, cool treat that I totally forgot she had mastered a new skill...taking off her own diaper. Just try to picture this...she's walking around the deck, one side of the diaper on and one side hanging off, holding her popsicle with a big grin on her face. I'm sure she's thinking, "this is the life." Next thing I know, she stops walking for a minute and starts peeing!!! I couldn't believe it.
All that being said, I've decided to forgo the healthy popsicles and fall back on the good old classic variety for now.
She loved her orange one so much, she needed a green one too!
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