Friday, April 27, 2012


After dinner tonight Handley was being extremely silly and making Hudson laugh.  He was really cracking up and Handley told him, "Hudson, you sure are joyful tonight."  I don't know why, but that comment of hers got me so tickled.

Ignore Handley's sweaty hair.  We'd just come inside from playing out in the heat and her bike helmet must have made her really hot.  I'm not sure exactly what she was doing here, but he loved it. 
There is something about the after-dinner/pre-bath time that gets my crew all wound up.  At that point they all got pretty joyful.

Another comment that made me smile today came from Harper.  We were riding the car to meet some friends for lunch and she was playing with Hudson in the back seat.  All of the sudden she said, "Hudson, God is in your heartbeat."  I think she meant that God was in his heart, but I just thought it was so sweet she said heartbeat.

A little update on Hudson and his movement. He is now getting up on all fours.  He isn't doing the traditional pre-crawling rocking back and forth yet, but I feel that will probably come next.  What he is doing is getting extremely frustrated because he really wants to move.  We've also been trying to help him (force him) to pull up to stand.  He's working his little legs like crazy and doing a good job.  I decided it was time to get out the activity table so he could practice standing while playing with a fun toy.  He's still wobbly and I don't trust him to stand alone without falling right over, which is why you see Handley in these pictures.  Her "job" was to keep him from toppling over. :-)

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