Friday, December 9, 2016

Pink Pig and Santa Visit 2016

We love traditions and Christmas traditions are our favorites.  We have been riding the Pink Pig (and Atlanta holiday tradition) and seeing Santa with the same friends for 9 years now!  We always look forward to this afternoon and this year the rain wasn't about to stop us.  

The kids got their tickets and were all set and ready to ride.  When they were little we rode with them, but no we just get to be the picture takers.  :-) 

First up was seeing Priscilla the Pink Pig mascot.  

There was NO line to ride so we were pretty much the only ones there. 

After their ride through the life-sized storybook it was time to go see Santa!!!  The set-up this year was so pretty with lots of twinkling lights! 

Poor Santa was sitting there all alone waiting on someone to come talk to him.  Going on a weekday is definitely the time to go! 

The kids all smiled for a picture and then because there was no one in line behind us, he took a lot of time to talk to each of the kids about their wish-lists. 

He reminded them to leave carrots for the reindeer and to continue being good boys and girls, which I know they will do! 

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