Yesterday was our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and the girls had been looking forward to it for at least a month. My friends Carrie, Christy, and I plan and organize this event for our neighborhood and I collected all of the eggs from everyone. Everyday we'd come home and the girls would run to check the basket on our front porch for more eggs. This year we had over 90 kids participate and it was our largest turnout!!!
The weather was not the greatest the morning of the hunt, but that didn't stop all of our wonderful neighborhood volunteers to come and help us set up and hide over 1,000 eggs. We have lots of help for this event and are lucky that we live in a neighborhood where so many people are willing to bake and prepare treats, donate their time to set up and clean up, and help pull off such a fun event for the kids.
The kids could have cared less about the weather and were just thrilled to be there with all of their friends.
The Easter Bunny himself even made an appearance and showed up in style...riding our golf cart! Of all the planning that goes into this, finding someone to dress up as the bunny is always the hardest. This year, our good friend, Bryce filled the role and did a FANTASTIC job. A HUGE thank you to Bryce. Robby just happened to see the Easter Bunny "hopping down the bunny trail" on his way to the egg hunt and decided to give him a lift. Harper wanted nothing to do with the Easter Bunny and tried to stay as far away as possible, but Handley was excited to run up and give him a hug.
Right after this picture was taken and we were walking away, Handley turned to me and said, "Did you see the Easter Bunny was wearing tennis shoes?!?!?" Ha! |
Thankfully at one point the girls were posing together and the Easter Bunny snuck up behind them for a photo op with out Harper even knowing he was there.
When the countdown begin, the kids were so excited and as soon as they were given the go-ahead they all took off running!
After all the eggs were found Harper made a bee-line to the treat table while Handley was more interested in playing with Avery. Finally we all ended up sitting together to enjoy some sweet treats before starting to clean up and head home.
Notice the cupcake frosting still on Harper's lips! |
At home, Handley spent a good hour opening each egg to inspect it's contents, adding it to her growing "Easter candy bag" and giving me the plastic eggs to pack away for next year. Harper helped for a while, but after I wouldn't let her have any more candy, she moved on to playing with her baby. It was a great day and a fun way to kick off our Easter weekend!