This afternoon we made our way to the grocery store and as we entered Publix it was sunny skies. Just before we started to check out the bottom fell out of the sky and it was pouring. There was also a lot of thunder and lightening so I decided to just hang out under cover to let it pass by. We stood there for several minutes watching people get soaked when this very nice lady came up to me and asked if she could help us get to our car with her umbrella. I told her we were fine and would just wait it out, but she was very concerned about my frozen food going bad so I gave in and walked out with her. Her umbrella (which I later learned was purple from Handley on our ride home) didn't do much good because it was raining sideways in every direction. I quickly got the kids in the car as Handley was whining about getting wet and
grabbed my umbrella so this poor woman could feel OK about leaving me there and getting herself into the dry store. My umbrella didn't do much good either. By the time I got all the groceries in the back, got the girls buckled, passed of my cart to a nice lady who was heading in and got in the car myself I looked like I had just jumped in a swimming pool with my clothes on. I grabbed a few napkins to dry off and handed one back to Handley. She thought this was hilarious so we all started cracking up! We'd dried off quite a bit by the time we got home, but here we are still laughing about it and still a little wet.
Later when I was getting dinner ready I heard Handley busy with something. She walked into the kitchen and announced, "look at me" as she was laughing.

Stickers were EVERYWHERE and she was literally cracking herself up. She wore the stickers through dinner (except those on her face) and was singing a different tune when it came time to take the stickers off her legs. Those big princess stickers stuck on like crazy. She tried pulling them of, but said it hurt to bad, so she wanted me to do it instead. She cried and cried when I was getting them off and she was left with big red rectangles on her legs where the stickers had been. I don't think she'll be doing that again.
So many things about this blog made me giggle. First, hilarious that the lady was so concerned about your frozen foods going bad.
Second, I laughed at seeing all of those stickers, but hurt just reading about how hard they were to take off!
You are right; bet Handley won't be doing that again any time soon!
That's a mistake you just make once! Hope her legs are feeling better :-)
hilarious! glad your wet outing was fun! I think the more you ladies do together the more fun you are going to have!
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