Harper and I had a pretty uneventful day today. Besides getting my oil changed and a quick stop by Target we just played the rest of the day. One thing I've noticed this week is that Harper has taken advantage of being the only one in the house. She has started doing this thing that absolutely cracks me up. If she is off playing in the next room or if I'm out of sight she'll start calling, "MAMA!!! MAMA!!!" and will peek around until she finds me. Once she sees I'm nearby, she'll go back to playing. She's also started exploring some of Handley's things that normally she doesn't have the opportunity too. Stamps, stickers, special baby doll accessories and the dress-up clothes are a few of her new-found favorites.

As much as she has enjoyed being the only child this week, I just know that when she sees her big sister she is going to be grinning from ear to ear. Handley will probably smoother her with hugs. Everyday when Handley calls to talk to me she'll say hi to me real quick, but immediately she'll ask to talk to Harper. She talks and Harper listens with the biggest smile on her face. It is just about the sweetest thing ever.
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