I'm sure most of you (OK, all of you) are probably wondering what "Turtle Toppin' "is. Well, it is a new game invented by my husband for the thrill and enjoyment of Handley.
For her birthday, we gave her a turtle shaped sandbox. The lid of the sandbox is the turtle's shell. This afternoon we were all outside enjoying the nice weather and while Handley was playing with the sand Robby said, "I know a fun game!" He got the top of the sandbox, turned it over, and told Handley to hop in. She ran right over knowing this must be a great idea because anything with Daddy is fun. He started pulling her around the yard and each time he stopped she would say and sign, "MORE, MORE!!"
Robby's back started to hurt so he told me to hold on, he'd be right back. He came back with a drill and some rope. You can all probably guess what he did next...drilled holes in the lid, ran some rope through it, and now had a handle in which to pull the turtle top by.
Handley thought this game was so fun that it went on and on. I just couldn't stop laughing because it seemed like such a red-neck thing to do. She loved it though and I can just see it now; every time we go outside to play in the sandbox, she's going to beg me to take her "Turtle Toppin'."
Can't you just see how much fun she is having!

I have a cute video too, but can't figure out how to get it on here! Anyone who knows, help me out!
So cute! Handley looks like she loves "Turtle Toppin'". Yes, I would say it is a totally redneck game, but we up here in Bartow County love redneck games, so no problem here!
To upload the video, click on the little icon that looks like a filmstrip (right next to the eraser) in the window where you write your new posts. This will upload the video to Blogger, but it can only take a video that's less than 100 megabytes (and it often struggles with videos even close to that size). So, I would only try that if the video is short (like 30 seconds or less). If it is long, I have better luck uploading my videos to YouTube, then just copying and pasting the embed html code from the YouTube page onto the "Edit Html" window of the Blogger New Post page.
I love it!! Don't worry, Jason was doing a similar game with a rug on the hardwoods:)
that is FABULOUS!! She looks sooo happy!!! I keep meaning to email you back about our camera. it is a Canon Rebel
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