I thought Handley would have a great time trick-or-treating, but couldn't have imagined how much she would love it! After the first house, she caught on very quickly and realized this was going to be a lot of fun. Most of our neighbors held their bowls of candy down where she could reach in and choose what she wanted. That was a big mistake on their parts! She kept grabbing for more and more. She did a good just saying her version of "trick-or-treat" and "thank-you."
Annabelle and Handley

She kept pulling candy out of her bag and asking us to open it, but was very patient and waited until we got home to eat any. Then she loved checking out her stash and tasting some different kinds of candy for the first time. Smarties are her first choice, but she also loved a lollipop and Kit-Kat bar!
Handley, Annabelle, Addyson, and Grant
This is how Addyson and Handley got around most of the night. They had fun riding from door to door together. Handley was so sweet and kept trying to share her treats with Addyson.

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