Friday, May 26, 2017

Preschool Graduate

Last week my last baby graduated Pre-School!  It is hard for me to imagine that my preschool days are over, but he is so excited and so ready for Kindergarten that it makes me happy and excited for him.  He's been at the same school since he was in the 2 year old class and this year marked his last year in the young fives class.  He was so proud during the ceremony!

He and his buddy had been in the same class for the last 3 years.  They are going to be at different schools next year and will definitely miss each other!

He couldn't get the graduation cap off quick enough, but I made him keep it on for a few pictures because we were so proud of him.

The next day he had his very last day of school.  They had an ice cream party, played some fun games and said goodbye to the little yellow school.

And just for fun, here's a comparison of him then and now.  The picture on the left was him his first week of preschool.  He was two years old and hated school. He cried everyday so much and I had to pick him up early for weeks because he just wouldn't settle down.  Now he's a confident kid who loves school, loves his teachers, and loves seeing his friends.  I know he's going to love Kindergarten!

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