On our very last day of vacation we decided to do something different. We went on a snowmobile tour through a National Forest. It was about an hour drive from Breckenridge, so not bad at all, but before we could get there though we dealt with extremely tired kids, a car sick kid, and a blizzard. However, nothing was going to stop our fun so we all took a deep breath, pushed through and made it to our destination. We actually met up with some of our neighbors who were also out in Colorado skiing for winter break. We got all suited up and got a quick tutorial about how the snowmobiles work and were ready to go.
We had a total of 8 snowmobiles, including the guide and all of the kids were riding along with adults.
We stayed on the trails, but the sights were so pretty. It was snowing pretty hard that day so the views long distance weren't great, but there was so much snow everywhere that it was all so beautiful.
After riding a bit we stopped so the kids could play in the snow and then we went to a little warming hut area where they had hot chocolate and cookies!
Our tour was about 2 hours long total from start to finish and there was only one little mishap during that time. I flipped my snowmobile on it's side! YIKES!!! Handley and I were riding along, going slow and following everyone else. Then I tried to turn and the thing just kept going straight. I think the ski got caught under a bunch of the powder and I swear the thing just had a mind of it's own.

Thank goodness it was all kind of slow motion and we landed in a big pile of powder. Robby came running over to help us and the guide quickly rushed his snowmobile over to help, too. We were laughing and totally fine, but the guide didn't find it as funny as us girls did. I apologized profusely and everything was fine, but it was something I don't think I will ever live down with my neighbors.
It was a great way to end our vacation and a fun adventure for all of us!

The rest of the trip kind of went downhill. Our fight wasn't until late that night and we happened to be driving through what felt like a blizzard to get to the Denver airport. What should have taken us 2 hours took almost 5. They closed down the highway because of ice and a bunch of wrecks so we found an alternate route. It was a tiny, two-lane road that was winding up and down a mountain side. And it was covered in a sheet of ice. I might have been freaking out a bit. A tiny guardrail is all that separated us from falling down the mountain. There were a ton of wrecks on that road also and it got closed just after we got down from that mountain.
Robby kept saying he was going to be so mad if we missed our flight and the whole time I was just thinking I don't care about the flight...I just wanted to get off this mountain road alive. We did though and did get to the airport in time. Our flight was delayed and when we arrived in Atlanta it was after 2 AM. We were at the furthest gate in one of the furthest terminals. Oh, and we learned then that the trains weren't running so we had a nice 30 minute walk to get to baggage claim with 3 very tired kids. Talk about a fun way to end our trip! We made it home and in bed just after 3:30 AM. The kids and I slept until almost lunchtime the next day and it took us all a while to get back to a normal East Coast schedule, but our trip and all of the fun memories we have were well worth it!
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