Thursday, May 26, 2016

End of Year Parties and Last Day of School

The past two weeks have just about done me in.  Between end of the year programs, organizing teacher gifts, planning end of the year parties and just regular life on top of that I have felt like I was barely keeping my head above water.  The good news is that it's over. We're done with school for the summer and we couldn't be more excited.  

On Monday Harper's class had their end of the year party.  We planned for an ice cream party and the kids all loved making their own sundaes.  We wrapped up the last little bit with a water balloon toss!

Tuesday was a repeat of the party for Handley's class, but without the water balloons.  They still had lots of fun though and her teacher gave out awards to each of the kids.  She got the "Dancing Queen" award and it was pretty appropriate for her!

The last day of school was on Wednesday and we were so excited!  I love comparing the beginning and end of year photos.

As the kids got off bus the moms all were ready to blast them with water balloons!  They knew it was coming and ran off ready to attack us, too.

After that we went over to a friend's pool to celebrate the start of summer!  We had lots of fun, lots of swimming, lots of friends and lots of fun!  It was the perfect way to kick off summer!

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