A few weeks ago a friend mine asked me if I would be interested in signing up Hudson for a baseball camp with her son. Hudson has been begging to play baseball and I figured this two day camp would be a good way for him to see if he really liked it or not. He woke up bright and early ready to go and after the first day he was in LOVE with baseball.
On the first day he was selected as one of the campers of the day and he got these wrist bands as a prize. He hasn't taken them off since! All that afternoon and evening all he wanted to do was play baseball.

While he was at camp, the girls and I had two girls days. We went shopping, when to lunch, got our nails done and just had lots of girl time. It was super fun and something that we don't get to do near enough!
We had very little plans for Memorial Day weekend. In fact, I think this was the first holiday weekend in about 8 years that we weren't at our lake house. These two were able to find plenty to keep them entertained though!

We did go to the lake on Saturday for the day and enjoyed the warm weather. The kids had fun swimming and playing in the water and so did Walker!

It was busy, but we found a quiet area for Handley to wakeboard for a little bit before the boats found us.
The rest of our weekend was pretty low-key. We did go over to a friends pool to swim and grill out last night and then today we have just been around the house getting some stuff done. We have a busy and exciting week ahead of us, so a little down time has been nice!