Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Festivities

The Halloween festivities have begun!  I love this time of year and all of the fun things that go along with it.  I used to love dressing my kids up in coordinating costumes, but this year they all had different ideas about what they wanted to be, so we went with it.

Hudson couldn't decide between a ninja, a Ninja Turtle, a pirate or some random costume he saw at Costco that he couldn't even tell me what it was.  He finally decided on the pirate costume and he looked adorable for his school party yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon the girls got to wear their costumes to dance.  Handley is her idol, Taylor Swift, and was going crazy over getting to wear red lipstick and have her sparkly microphone.  :-)  Harper wanted to be a cat this year and loved her whiskers.

This morning the first graders got to participate in an "I Love a Book" parade.  They dress like a character from a book they love and parade around the whole school.  It's so fun to see how creative everyone gets, even the teachers!

This evening we have pumpkin carving on the schedule and tomorrow after a full day of games we can't wait for trick-or-treating!

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