Friday morning we got up early and got to the pediatrician's office in time for walk-in hours to see what was going on with Hudson. As soon as we got there he was running around and having a grand ol' time. I was hoping that it hadn't been a mistake to make that trek through rush-hour traffic, but it turns out he has a double ear infection. Could be that the ones he had before Christmas never healed or these could be new. No way to know, but he is on a different antibiotic and numbing ear drops to help him feel better. He is already acting more like himself and in a much happier mood, so I'm praying this will knock it out.
After a smoothie treat for everyone as we waited on his prescriptions to be filled we set off to meet Gigi. The girls spent the night with Gigi and Papa on Friday night and they took them to see Medieval Times dinner and show. They were really excited and turns out they LOVED it. When we got them back the next morning they couldn't stop telling us about the knights, horses, and how much fun they had.
Friday afternoon Hudson and I went over to see Stefanie and take her a carload full of baby things! Clothes, gear, toys and more! We are getting so excited about the upcoming arrival of their baby girl.
Saturday we got to help Harper's BFF, Reece, and her twin brother, Jake, celebrate their 4th birthdays. All three kids loved jumping, bouncing, sliding, and zip-lining. As soon as we walked in Hudson kept yelling, "play play," and could hardly wait for me to get his shoes off.

Later that day we took a family outing, while our house was being shown, to get Hudson a haircut. Usually, his haircuts have happened at our house with Tricia, the sweet friend that does my hair. However, he was needing a trim so we took him to a local barber shop. I gave him a lollipop, held him in my lap, and hoped for the best. He screamed through most of the experience. Miraculously, his cut still looks pretty good, given the circumstances. Looking back, I think he was scared of the man that was doing the cutting and the fact that he was using the buzzer on him. Previously he has just had scissor cuts and it was done by a female. This guy was nice as could be and so patient with him, but next time I will stick with a female for sure and if it doesn't work out for Tricia to do it I may even take him to one of the high dollar kid cuts places where he can sit in a little car while getting his cut. I really think the few extra dollars would be worth a happier experience.
As we are nearing the end of Christmas break I am so impressed and happy with the way the kids have gotten along and played together. I'm sad that we only have one more day until they start school. I have had so much fun having the girls home and am already excited about summer break! Handley and Harper have played so well together and are at such a good phase right now. They have taken turns having sleepovers in each other's rooms practically every night and I love hearing them listen to music, read books to each other and giggle. There have only been a few times that I have had to get firm to make them actually go to bed.
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