Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving program and sickness

We have been dealing with the stomach bug in our house this week and somehow I am the only one who has escaped it in the course of a week.  My washing machine has been going NON-STOP and anything that can't fit into my my washer has been thoroughly doused in Lysol.  Thankfully everyone's run with it has been short lived and they have all bounced by right away.

Handley was worried all week that she might get sick and have to miss her Thanksgiving program that was today.  She was happy and feeling fine all day so made it to her program.  Late this afternoon she started feeling not so hot and the bug hit her, too.  Harper, on the other hand, had a relapse one random time during the night last night so she stayed home today and missed her program.  She was disappointed and I was sad she couldn't attend, but she had fun spending the day with Robby instead.

Hudson and I went to watch Handley perform her turkey songs/dances and she looked adorable!  They did the "turkey tango" and several other songs.  The performance was followed by a family luncheon and we feasted on a the traditional turkey meal.  I am not an overly sentimental person, but I got quite sad thinking that this would be Handley's last Thanksgiving program at this school.  We have come to love everyone and everything about their school and I will surely miss having both my girls at the same place next year.

Harper's teachers sent home the place mat she made earlier in the week and her sweet hand print card, so she was proud to show us those this afternoon.

Everyone went to bed feeling well tonight and I am just praying that this is the last of the sickness in our house for a very long time!  My sweet girl, Handley, was so upset about having to miss gymnastics this afternoon and school tomorrow. :-(  She tried her best to convince me that she was feeling fine, just minutes after getting sick.  She's supposed to be the line-leader tomorrow and she was most worried about not getting her turn to do that.  I promised her I'd email her teacher and let her know so they could reschedule a time for her to be the line leader.  The kids are off school all week next week, so now we have an entire week to stay home, get well, and enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving together.

1 comment:

Ashleigh Finger said...

Your week sounds identical to mine! I hope everyone feels better soon!