Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"I just love my life"

Handley had gotten $5 from Gigi and Papa in a souvenir they brought her.  Today we went to the Dollar Store to pick something up for Handley's party and she asked if she could bring her money to buy something.  She packed a bag with her wallet and carried it with us.  As soon as we got there she started scouring the aisles.

I pointed out several items to her (paint and craft supplies, bubbles, a pool noodle, etc.) but she didn't seem interested in any of my suggestions.  There were a few things she would pick up and look at, and then told me she might want to buy that, but that she wanted to check the rest of the store first before deciding.  I loved watching her as a consumer and was proud of her when she didn't just pick the first thing she saw.

She was torn between two items and when I explained to her that with her $5 bill she actually had enough money to buy both items she was thrilled.   I let her pay the cashier, put her change back in her wallet and take her bag.  She settled on a manicure kit and marshmallow ropes.  She and Harper had fun playing nail salon this evening.

Today while we were eating dinner I told the girls if they finished up quickly they could have one of the marshmallow ropes and we could go outside to play.  Handley was really excited all of the sudden a big smile spread across her face and she said, "Mommy, I just love my life!"  I asked her why she just went on and on about how she was so happy to get to buy something with her own money, and how she loved getting to do swim lessons today and play with her friends, and that she was really excited about her birthday this weekend and that everything was just great.  That made me SO very happy. There is nothing more I could ask for.  Not only do I have happy and healthy children, but I love the fact that she also realizes how very blessed she is. I told her how nice it was that she was thankful for the things in her life and she went on and on about all the things she has to be thankful for.  I love the little person she is becoming and even though I can't believe she will be 5 this weekend, at times I feel like she is wise beyond her years.

1 comment:

Julie, the mama said...

I LOVE THIS BLOG. Wow! What a lesson for all of us.

And I know you know this - but I wasn't the least bit surprised to hear YOUR child say such a thing. Your LOVE for life is contagious for sure!