Friday, May 18, 2012

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school!!!  Not only did both the girls have ice cream parties in their classes to celebrate, but Handley also got to celebrate her "pretend" birthday today.  She'd been talking about it for a really long time because they do the cutest thing.  Instead of having real candles to blow out, the birthday boy/girl gets to choose 5 friends to represent their 5 candles.  The friends put their arms up like candles and then the birthday boy/girl gets to blow them out and they each fall to the ground.

The end of this school year is bitter sweet.  I'm really excited about summer and having the girls home with me every day, but they have both had such amazing school years that I hate to see it come to an end. We could not have asked for more perfect teachers this year.  I loved them all and I know the girls did too.   Harper told me the other day that when she moves to a new 3 year old class that she was going to miss Deborah and Jennifer.  Handley and Harper have both made really excellent friends in their classes this year.  I love seeing them practically run into their classrooms each day with confidence to greet their teachers and friends.

Here's the first day of school and last day of school comparison shots.

Harper's morning was a little rough today as you can tell from the picture above and her fake/forced smile.  She was much happier when I arrived for her party and was excited to get to go to Handley's class for the celebration down there, too.

After school we came home to get ready for ballet and the end of the year ceremony.  I'll post about them separately, because I have way too many pictures for one post.

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