Lots of stories to share in this post, but first I want to share that I had another doctor's appointment this morning and my doctor was 100% sure we were having a boy! Hudson Zachary will be his name and we couldn't be more excited. I showed Handley the ultrasound pictures when I picked her up from school this afternoon and she told me it looked like I had a frog in my belly instead of a baby. Ha!
On Monday I signed both girls up for school for next year. Handley will be in Pre-K (which is so hard for me to believe because my very first teaching job was teaching Pre-K) and will be in school 5 days a week! I really wish there was a 4 day option because I'm not quite ready to have her gone every single day. Harper will be in the 2 year old class and will be going 3 days a week. Part of me felt guilty for putting her in the 3 day class since I only had Handley in the 2 day class when she was 2. However, I just know that with Handley going everyday that Harper would be bored out of her mind at home and once she adjust to being in school she's going to love it. I told Harper I signed her up for school and she put on her most pitiful face and said, "no school...mama" meaning that she wants to stay home with me. Ha!
Yesterday we spent the majority of the day at home. I was able to clean and do laundry while the girls pretended to go to Kindergarten, have a sleep over, and take an airplane trip. Last week when we were flying home from Colorado we were sitting the the row directly behind first class. Handley asked me why those people (meaning the ones in first class) got special drinks and snacks. I explained to her that they had paid more money for their tickets than we had and that is why they got those things. While I was cleaning she came to me with some play money from her cash register and told me excitedly that she paid extra money so she got to sit in the front of the plane and have coffee. :-) A little bit later it was awfully quiet so I went to check on them. They were both in the bathroom, sitting on their respective potties and Handley told me that they were still on the airplane and that they were "squeezed in tight" because it was a really small airplane bathroom. I think it's so funny the things they focus on and remember about experiences.
Yesterday afternoon we went to our playgroup's Valentine party. Handley was so excited because this is the first year she had written her name on each of her Valentine's and couldn't wait to pass them out. Not only did we exchange Valentine's, but the kids also got to play a few games, have some treats, and make Valentine cards for their dads. When we got home it was a sugar rush! They were both so excited to rip into the cards and find all the candy.
All the kid's boxes |
Working hard on her card |
You can tell Harper was not happy about having her picture made |
Aren't these the cutest? My friend Christy is an amazing baker and always makes the kids their own cookies for each holiday. She is so talented because not only do they look good, but they taste GREAT and are the softest, chewiest chocolate chip cookies I've ever tasted. |
This precious little one is really starting to show her stubborn side. I know it's part of her getting older, trying to assert her independence, and approaching two. Most of the time I just have to laugh because I've been here before and even though she thinks she is so big, I know that I'm going to win. :-)
The other day we were in the playroom and while I was helping Handley with her Valentine's Harper was making a huge mess (dumping out everything possible) while she played. When we were getting ready to go downstairs I asked her to pick up the magnets and put them back into the basket she had dumped them from. She looked at me and said, "NO...mama" meaning that she wanted me to do it. I calmly told her she needed to clean them up and she started protesting. Handley helped me clean up the rest of the playroom without one complaint, while Harper continued to pout over the magnets she didn't want to clean up. Finally Handley went over and told her, "I'll help you clean them up Harper...it won't take long at all and then we can go downstairs" but she still didn't budge. I told Handley to leave some for Harper to do and she did. After a few warnings, Handley and I proceeded to head downstairs and as soon as I opened the gate to head down Harper lost it! The whole saga went on about 10 minutes and she finally gave in and put the 5 magnets that were left on the floor in the basket and came downstairs with us. Handley asked her her, "That wasn't so bad, was it?" and then she turned to me and said, "Mommy, do you appreciate me when I'm being helpful since Harper is being grumpy?" I told her I appreciate her VERY much and don't know what I'd do without her help around here.