This week Harper has become attached to her "bag." It is a purse that used to belong to me years ago and it's been in the playroom along with all of the other bags. For some reason Harper found it this week and immediately became attached to it. In her bag is a phone (or two) and her keys. Some other items are added or taken out depending on what she is doing, but the phone and keys remain. She used to just carry it around the house, but now her bag must come with us everywhere. She wants to take it in the car, into stores and restaurants. She slings it over her shoulder and is ready to go. This afternoon we were backing out of the driveway when all of the sudden from the back seat I heard, "BAG!!!" We'd forgotten it so I ran in to retrieve it for her. She cracks me up.

We got back into the swing of things this week and Handley started back to school after having a long Christmas break. She was excited to go back and see her friends and teachers. Wednesday was an exciting day because they each got to bring a toy to share with with their friends. Handley decided to bring her new princess hair kit (that includes a hair dryer, curling iron, curlers, etc.) Apparently her choice was popular among her friends. She told me, "everyone was just busting through to see it" and she had to say "now hold on everyone, we all have to take at a time." Ha! I can just see her now.
Harper has been missing Handley a lot this week while she is at school and is very happy when it's time to pick her up each day |
Girlfriend loves her bag! That is too cute.
And Handley's "take turns" comment is too cute, too.
Hey, that has to make it much easier to retire old accesories and buy new least you konw they will get a whole other life for a while. :)
Handley's instructions to everyone to wait their turn cracked me up.
So did Harper's bag story.
What fun, fun ages!
what happened with that pink wintercoat she is wearing here now she is grown out of it?
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