I can't believe that in 1 month my baby girl will be turning 1. Robby asked me the other night if I'd planned her birthday party yet. (I know he asked because when Handley was 11 months old the only thing left to do for her party was wait for the big day. I'd been working on it for months!) Everything is in my head for Harper's, but I think it isn't done yet because I'm in denial. :-( I know there are many fun times ahead, but I love, love, love the baby stage and I don't want it to be over yet. Lucky for me she doesn't seem like she is going to be an early walker like Handley was so I can hang on to that part of her being a baby for a while longer. I'm not ready to be done nursing, but I have every intention of weaning her when she is one. On the bright side, I can't wait to turn her car seat around in a month and be able to see her sweet face in my rear view mirror.

At 11 months she:
- loves sleeping with her giraffie and has gotten pretty attached to it
- says "uh-oh" every chance she gets
- says "Dada" like it is her job, but will only mumble "Ma" every now and then
- thinks crawling around and bouncing on a bed is just as much fun as being at Disney World
- likes to play with cell phones, remote controls or anything else that has buttons
- is very sensitive and can cry at the drop of a hat
- gets very excited when I read her books
- enjoys lift-the-flap books
- plays "ball" with Handley and I and likes rolling and throwing a ball to us
- is very social and will happily climb up into anyone's lap who is sitting on the floor
- loves being around other babies her age
- still doesn't like when I am out of her sight
- can "love" her baby - gives her hugs and kisses
- has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom
- weighs 21 lbs.
What a doll! I love the giraffe thumb picture. It seems like yesterday she was born. This year went by way too fast! However, I can't wait to see what the second year brings for her and Handley. They are going to be inseperable! And that picture of all of her teeth, wow! Where did they come from?
Yay! Finally a thumb picture! :) I feel like in the last month she has gotten so much older looking...longer hair, more teeth, talking.
Oh Carrie Beth, I got teary eyed when you said Harper is only going to be one in a month. How did this happen to our babies? We'll have to catch up soon!
She is such a cutie. Looks like such a snuggler...oh, and gotta love the thumb!
She has beautiful eyes. Watching your blog for a long time and I'm impressed. Your daughters are very beautiful. I greet the Polish!
And she has some SERIOUS blue eyes!! :-)
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