I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again - I can't believe Harper is 7 months old already!!! Time flies when you are having fun and boy are we ever. Harper is such a sweetie and has developed such a great personality. She and her big sister are bonding so sweetly and both light up when they see each other. When Handley was this age I remember thinking she was so big, but now Harper still seems like such a baby when I have her to to compare to Handley.
At 7 months old she:
- has started getting onto her hands and knees and is rocking back and forth. (She wants to crawl - I give her 2 weeks!)
- takes two naps a day (a long morning nap and a shorter afternoon nap)
- loves going to bed early
- is dealing with separation anxiety and is happiest when I'm very close by
- eats 3 meals a day and is already starting to prefer feeding herself to being spoon fed
- is a pro at eating puffs and cheerios and had her first "real" finger food yesterday - watermelon - and loved it!
- can drink water from her sippy cup
- still only has 2 teeth although I think she is getting more very soon
- definitely shows her likes and dislikes
- loves being held
- has pretty much weened herself of the paci and sucks her thumb when she is sleepy or upset
- has fun playing with and chewing on plastic hangers
- moves her arms up and down when she is happy or excited
Concentrating to get the watermelon
Looking at this picture you would think she was crawling...won't be long!

She is too cute! I had to crack up about the hanger part. :)
Wow! She is doing so much already! And I can't believe she is seven moths already either. Jude is still much more a baby than she is, but it still seems like it is going by sooo fast!
What a doll! She is getting so big!
I can't believe Harper's so grown up! Those first two pictures are just precious!
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