You may have been wondering what we've been up to? Last week I took Handley and Harper to Wilmington to visit my parents for 5 days while Robby was gone on my brother's bachelor party. I flew with both of them BY MYSELF! We flew out at the same time as Robby so he was able to help get us through security, thank goodness. I love how TSA expects me to hold my infant, take my toddler's shoes off, fold up my gigantic double stroller and put it though the x-ray machine (um, really? - there is NO way it is going to fit through there) and also convince Handley to pass her beloved Be-Be (blankie) and Lambie through the x-ray machine. Yes, reinforcements were definitely needed for that escapade.
Our flight there was quite eventful...after sending Robby off on his plane our flight was delayed an hour, I lost our boarding passes (which I thought would be a bigger deal than it was...they just printed me a new one), and once we were in the air and about ready to land in NC the pilot announced we'd have to circle for 45 mins. because Air Force One was at the airport and no planes were allowed to land or take off! Despite all that I had several people comment on how well behaved my kids were. That made me feel good. :-) On the way there and the flight back home Handley loved saying, "apple juice, please" when they flight attendants asked us if we would like a beverage.
Here the are, on Harper's first flight!

Our trip was really relaxing. I took a nap every afternoon (something I never do at home because of my never-ending to-do list). Handley loves for Mimi to do everything for her, which was fine with me because it meant I got a break. We also got to visit with my grandparents and other family members while we were there. It was so much fun and I'm just happy to know I can do it again!
I took a ton of picture while we were there...enjoy!
Handley had fun playing in the baby pool in the backyard with the dogs.

One time she was backing up and fell in. She thought that was hilarious and kept doing it over and over again.

Harper in her favorite position...STANDING. The girl will not let you sit her down. She just straightens her legs and demands to stand.

Because she loves to stand so much, I knew she'd like the exersaucser my mom got for her off Criag's List. I don't know why I hadn't thought to pull ours out of the basement, but did it as soon as we got home. Here she is for the first time in it, trying to figure it out.

And here she is on the second day...LOVING every STANDING second in it. She thinks she is so big :-)

Harper with Bimmie (my grandfather)

Me, Handley and Memaw S. (my grandmother)

Dadaw and Handley reading a magazine

One night we were there my mom, Memaw M. and Handley started shelling some October Beans. Handley was fascinated by the whole process and sat there for an HOUR helping them shell the beans to freeze. I loved watching them because it brought back memories of sitting on Memaw and Papaw's screen porch and helping them shell beans when I was a little girl.

And my absolute FAVORITE picture from our little Ducky. Is that not the cutest cover-up you've ever seen?

I'm impressed!!! I think flying alone with one is hard work - i can't imagine two!
Looks like you guys had a blast!! Can't wait to get together now that you are back!
Your little ducky is too adorable!!! Your girls are so well behaved. I'm glad to hear that they did well on the plane. I'm flying with the two boys at the end of the month!! For some reason, I don't think it is going to be that bad...and, hey if Jude cries for an hour, oh well.
Great pictures, it looks like you girls had a great trip! I am so impressed that you did it by yourself! What a great feeling! I love the little ducky too! Can't wait to catch up. I hope everyone is feeling good!
Cute pictures! Looks like you guys had a great time. I loved to shell beans at my grandmother's house, too.
I just have to say that, for one second, that I thought Harper had a long, crimped ponytail in that picture of her in the Exersaucer with the blue bib! I don't know what's behind her, but I did a complete double take when I saw it. :)
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