Be-Be usually doesn't leave the house unless it is a special circumstance. She is pretty used to leaving it on the couch when we leave the house and will often bring Lambie and/or a smaller blanket ("Little Be-Be") with us in the car. However, the second we get home she runs in the house, picks up Be-Be, hugs it and says, "BE-BE!!!!!" It's so cute.
She also loves when other people are attached to blankets. She is determined to give Harper a Be-Be every time she cries, assuming that will make her feel better. This past weekend at the Dora show, one of the characters (Swipper) had a blanket. She thought that was just the greatest thing ever. :-)
This past week I have gotten tired of her carrying it all around the house. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just the Be-Be. She's a hoarder though!!! She carries around Be-Be, one or two Lambies, her sippy cup, often a snack, and a toy. I don't know how she does it and figure her arms must get tired, but wherever she goes, all that comes along with us. After her nap one day last week I asked her if she could leave Be-Be in the crib and just bring Lambie out. She looked at me for a second, looked at Be-Be, thought about it and then replied so sweetly, "I might need it." She won. Be-Be is still carried around everywhere we go.
This was her this morning before heading to meet her teachers. She really wanted to bring it and kept asking if Be-Be's were allowed at school. I told her we would ask (knowing they weren't allowed) but it was better coming from the teacher than me.
Handley, Be-Be, Books and Band-Aides
Be-Be, water and snacks

She usually leaves it on the couch when she eats, but one morning this week she "needed" it close to her. Be-Be and Lambie got their own chair at the table.
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