has been an Atlanta tradition since 1953. The ride is currently housed in a 1950's themed tent at Lenox Mall. The pink pig travels along train tracks through a life-sized storybook that includes the original pink pig and her friends.
Priscilla, the original Pink Pig
Today, my friend Tiara and I took our girls to Lenox Mall for a fun filled day. We started off by lining up to ride the pink pig. There were tons of kids and parents also waiting to ride. We kept talking about the ride and telling Handley and Avery how much fun they were going to have. They weren't really sure what to expect, but they were really excited about whatever it was they were about to do!
In this video, Handley still hadn't even seen what the actual ride was...she is pointing to some stuffed pink pigs that they were selling, but she didn't care! Those looked like enough fun for her. You can imagine how excited she was when she saw the real ride. :-)
Handley waiting in line

Getting buckled and ready to go!
All four of us after riding!
Storybook characters
After the fun ride, we had lunch and then it was off to see SANTA!!! Yesterday, Handley and I had walked through the mall and checked out Santa from afar. She talked about him the whole car ride home and I hoped that was a good sign. As we waited in line today, we kept telling the girls how nice Santa was, that he was going to give them high-fives, and that they would get a candy cane. Handley was really excited and kept pointing to him as we waited. When it was our turn to sit on his lap, Handley was timid for just a second, then she walked up, gave him a high-five, and just started at him in awe. I put her on his lap and waited for some sort of bad reaction, but she did GREAT!!!! She seemed a little confused at first, but warmed up to him right away. I hate that my pictures are blurry, but I have proof that she loved him. We're actually going to go back next week when Robby can come with us, so hopefully I'll get some better pictures then.
How cute! I am taking Ella next week:) I was just talking about it today!
we go to the pink pig every year and i use to ride it when i was little. we are planning on taking the boys today so will can ride for the first time!
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