Today was the day we had planned to put together Harper's big girl bed and give it a whirl. Originally I was going to wait until after her birthday to move her to a bed, but honestly I got tired of looking at it in pieces all over our house, and having the mattress just sit in the new nursery, so I decided today was the day. Plus, I wanted her to have plenty of time to adjust to being in a bed before Hudson started using "her" crib to avoid any feelings she might have that we took the crib away from her to give to him.
I really wasn't sure how she'd do in a bed. Let me take that back...she LOVES to sleep in the bed with me, but on her own she has never been the best sleeper and is stubborn as all get out. However, I was pretty confident that the style of bed we chose would make her still feel like she was in a small space, similar to her crib. My friend, Sheila, is letting me borrow their bed rail so that makes her feel really confined too. I'm so thankful we have that rail because after looking at the bed put together with the mattress on top, it is REALLY tall. The bed has a trundle underneath too, so Handley is looking forward to the next weekend when I promised her she could have a sleepover with Harper.
After Handley and Robby got back from their donut breakfast, we all got to work taking apart the crib and putting together the bed. The girls used their play tools and imitated everything Robby was doing. Handley kept saying, "This is like a big art project for our whole family." When it was all said and done we put Harper up on top and she seemed to love it. I kept explaining to her that she was a big girl now so she got to sleep in a big girl bed.
A "pretty" shot before the bed-rail went on and the decorative pillows went off. |
Naptime was the first test and she passed with flying colors. I promised her a popsicle when she woke up if she went to sleep and that was all it took. Bribery always works for her. :-) She didn't make a peep and was asleep in no time. When she woke up, two hours later, she was happy as can be and immediately asked for her popsicle.
After she woke up I needed a pic of her in the bed so I asked her to show me how she slept. |
She was annoyed at this point because Handley wanted to get in the bed with her and she kept saying, "No! MY bed." |
Tonight as I was putting her to bed she asked if she got a popsicle tomorrow morning. Ha! I might just have to give her one though because again she went right to sleep without making a sound. I really can't believe it has been so easy. The good news is, until Robby finishes the step stool he's building for the end so she can climb up on her own, she really can't get out by herself and even if she did, she can't open the doors yet. I think this is going to be one of the easiest transitions ever though. She is so proud of her bed and every time she walks in her room she runs to point at it and tells us that it is HER BED!
For those who care, we got her bed at Ballard Designs Backroom outlet store in Roswell. It's kind of like a scratch and dent store for their catalog. We just happened to have lots of luck the day we went. We were there shopping for furniture for my new sewing area (which I know I still haven't posted pics of, but I'm looking for the perfect chair) and just happened to come across this day bed. It was the perfect colors for her room, it was SUPER discounted and Robby was in the buying mood that day so we bought everything right then and there.