We've had a few exciting events the past two days. I decided to give Harper her first taste of "real" food last night. She had sweet potato baby food for the first time and absolutely loved it!

Last night Handley and I went over to our friend's Tiara and Avery's house. Tiara's sister is a hair dresser is nice enough to come over and do our hair every few months. She's so sweet and does an awesome job! Plus being able to have our hair colored and cut in the comfort of home and not having to worry about finding a babysitter, etc. means WAY more than you can ever imagine. I decided to get Handley's hair trimmed for the first time and she was super excited. She did such a good job and felt like such a big girl. Unless you are me (her mother) you probably won't be able to tell it was cut, which is exactly what I wanted. It's just shaped up and trimmed a little.
Handley getting her hair cut

I asked her to pose so I could take a picture and she turned at the last minute...I guess she thought I was trying to get a shot of her hair.

Avery gets a trim too...

After the girls were finished they played and played while Tiara and I took our turns. It was a fun girls night for all of us.
Now that Harper is sitting up by herself, I decided there were a few toys hanging out in our basement that she might enjoy. Handley helped me pull them out this morning and was excited to show Harper how to use the "music toy." They were both excited about this "new" toy.

Love the hair Handley!! And boy is Harper smiley! She is absolutely adorable. It won't be long and she will be moving!
Oh my gosh!! Harper looks so much older in that last picture! Time flies!!!
I have to say the Avery and Handley look so cute in their little smocks. I can just see them getting their hair done together when they are older. :)
Haha, no doubt by the look on Harper's face she is very excited to be getting bigger. :) She is sitting like a pro now it looks like!
CB- Your girls are just precious. You beat me to the haircut:-) Marlee still hasn't had one but Handley's gives me hope that it doesn't have to be a drastic change. Harper has changed so much since our trip. How does that happen so fast??!!!
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