I feel like we've been super busy and going non-stop. I also have lots of "projects" I'm trying to wrap up and complete so that is keeping all of my time filled. I'll be sharing lots of pictures of some of the things I've been working on soon, but for now I do have a few pictures of the girls from last week.
We bought new fall flowers for our pots. Handley was thrilled to help plant them because she loves wearing her gardening gloves and using her shovel.
I had her bring pots from our front porch over to where we were planting and she took her job VERY seriously. :-)

While Handley and I worked, Harper just hung out in her stroller, chewed on a few toys, and watch what we were doing. Handley kept giving her a commentary..."We're planting some flowers, Harper" or "This is our shovels, Harper." So sweet!

On Friday, it rained most of the afternoon, but there was a little break in the rain so we decided to get out of the house for a short walk to the cul-de-sac with Sydney. The skies still looked gloomy, but we made it down the street and back with no rain. Handley asked to keep going and Harper was enjoying herself so we kept walking, down to the end of our street and onto another one in our neighborhood. We were not close to home when it started to drizzle. The drizzle quickly turned into a sprinkle, and then to a real rain. Handley kept saying, "Run mommy, it's raining on our heads," but the girls were in the wagon, we were heading up hill, and I had our 13 year old Golden Retriever (who can not really run anymore) with us. I picked up the pace, but we were still getting wet. I was mostly worried about Harper and what this would do to her pre-dinner, fussy-in-the-evenings mood. I kept expecting her to start crying, but instead all I heard was happy squeals. She loved it and was having a ball!