I have not been blogging nearly as much as I would like to, but I'm finally getting a chance to sit down at the computer. Both girls are napping...at the same time!!! This is the second day in a row it has happened and I'm hoping to keep it up.
Now, for a little update - I will say I never could have imagined the difference in going from 1 child to having 2. I underestimated how hard it would be. I also know that it keeps getting easier each day though. For a while I felt like Harper was never happy when she was awake and that was tough. However, I think her medicine is helping the reflux and I'm getting better at reading her cues (knowing when she is tired, uncomfortable, etc.). I feel like since last weekend she's had some really great days, so that is promising.
Earlier this week I described how I was feeling to some friends...like I was barely keeping my head above water. I am only able to get the necessities done and no extras. I have a to-do list a mile long and the type-A personality in me is dying to not be able to cross off each item. However, earlier this week I heard the same great advice from two different people (my mom and my friend, Katie...actually Katie's advice was given in a blog comment to my friend Stacey, but it applied to my situation as well, so thanks Katie!). Right now I feel like I keep wishing for time that I can do "my" stuff, but I just need to keep reminding myself that when my kids are teenagers I'll probably have plenty of time to do "my" stuff but will be wishing that I had this time back while they are so sweet, little and fun. I'm trying to just let go of the to-do list at the moment and enjoy every precious second with them right now because it goes by SO fast. Thinking this way has definitely put a new perspective on things for me. I got a little reminder of this yesterday. Handley and I were looking through her 1 year-old scrapbook and I couldn't get over how much she has changed in just 2 short years. I kept thinking about Harper and how this time might seem a bit stressful and difficult, but before I know it she is going to be 2 and I'll be wishing I had these sweet infant times back.
One thing I hope to accomplish in the next few days are getting some pictures of Harper up in my house (especially those beautiful ones Jen took for me) and also taking more pictures of Harper myself. It is true what most people say, that they have a million and one pictures of their first child and hardly any of the second. For now I do have one picture to share. Handley has gotten a little better with a napping and I'd say she probably naps at least 4-5 days a week now. SO much better than no nap at all which is what she was doing for a while there. When I turned on Handley's video monitor I saw her sitting up, playing with her animals. Then it got really quiet and when I looked again, this is what I saw:

I just had to sneak in and take a picture!