Our jack-o-lanterns (d0n't laugh!). Mine is the simple face and Robby's is be a bat.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Carving our pumpkins...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tag, you're it!
1. I love TV, especially reality TV. Shows like The Bachelor, Biggest Loser, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, etc. the list goes on and on. I also love Desperate Housewives, Lipstick Jungle and the new 90210 (yes, the "high school show" as Robby calls it).
2. On Saturday, I'll be finding out the sex of our baby! I'll be sure to let you all know pink or blue when we get home.
3. I bought Halloween candy today and have already eaten way too much of it!
4. I often spend my entire "break" during Handley's nap on the internet, without even realizing it. Then I kick myself for not cleaning, doing other chores around the house, or making better use of my time.
5. I love a clean house and can't stand clutter. It's gotten worse recently and I sometimes have to stop and remind myself that it is OK if things are a bit messy. I guess I've also had to learn to deal with it because having a toddler and a dog that sheds non-stop means that my house is never as clean and spotless as I would like. However, I have taught Handley to clean-up her toys and she is getting really good about putting things in there place, so she's helping me out!
6. I'm a night owl and could stay up all night (that is if I didn't have to get up early with Handley each day).
7. I was born on Election Day in 1980 and my birthday falls on Election Day again this year. Nov. 4!
Now I have to "tag" 7 other people to do the same thing on their blog.
1. Stacey L.
2. Katie J.
3. Erin J.
4. Allison S.
5. Amy A.
6. Tracie C.
7. Nicole H.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Burt's Pumpkin Patch
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Neighborhood Halloween Parade
I didn't get a lot of great pictures before people started to arrive, but here are a few so you get an idea of the festive decorations!
Yummy cookies and snacks!
Mark, Annabelle, Robby, and Handley getting ready to parade!
And they're off!
Handley with one of her best friends, Avery.
Me, Handley, Avery and Tiara.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Yummy Cookies!
I'd love to have one of these "learning towers" for her, but it's kind of pricey, so for now a chair and bar stools works.

After icing the cookies Handley decided to eat hers. I told her not to make a mess, so this is what she did to and proceeded to lick the icing off of the cookie.
When I turned my back she grabbed the spoon and started licking away.
And our finished product!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Halloween Party
As you can tell, she quickly removed her headband and exchanged it for her bow!
Ceylese and Batman (AKA Blake).
Monday, October 20, 2008
It's cold outside. Fall weather has finally decided to set in...just in time for Halloween! I had fun bundling Handley up for our walk yesterday morning. It turned out to be a lot warmer than I thought so she didn't need the hat and mittens after all. She sure did look cute though!
And just a little POTTY update. She has sat on it a few times, but hasn't really "done" anything since Saturday morning. I guess the excitement and newness has worn off, but I know we are starting this early! It's there and she knows where it is so I'm not going to push the issue, but I'm sure when she is ready, she'll let me know.
Fun Day with Gigi and Papa
They took her to a jumpy place (similar to Kangazoom that we go to near our house) and you can tell she had fun.
After that it was off to her first trip to McDonald's and then they took her to get a new toy! She's totally obsessed with babies right now (real babies) so they got her a baby doll and a stroller to push her in. She loves it and has been feeding her baby a bottle and pushing her around in the stroller non-stop.
A few more pics...

Friday, October 17, 2008
Potty time
The past month or so she's become very aware of her bodily functions so I figured I should at least have a little potty for her to start sitting on. This afternoon we went to Wal-mart, checked out the many different options, and decided on one that plays a "royal tune" every time she goes.
When we got home I pulled it out of the box and she wanted to sit on it right away. I figured she thought it was just a new seat. I put it in our bathroom downstairs, told her it was her potty and if she needed to "pee-pee" or "poo-poo" to tell me and she could sit on the potty. Of course, all night long we were running back and forth to the potty. One time she told me she needed to go so we went in and down she sat. I was not really paying much attention then all of the sudden, "da-da-na-na" the royal tune went off and sure enough, she had peed! I couldn't believe it. I got her a few smarties right away to reward her success. That must have gotten her on a roll because she went back to the potty a few other times this evening and heard that royal tune!
We'll see if it is beginners luck and how the rest of the weekend goes, but I'm excited to think that she might be potty trained by the time the next baby arrives in April. How wonderful would it be to not have 2 in diapers at the same time!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We're back...
Trying to "help" here stand up.
Handley loving Paxton at the beach this summer!
My Mom's father passed away of Alzheimer's in 2003. My aunt and uncle organize a huge tournament at their outdoor grill and volleyball complex in honor of my grandfather and to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association. Every year hundreds of people show up to play in the tournament, show their support, and enjoy the day. There is usually family festival with tons of activities for kids. I was so excited about letting Handley experience that part of the event, but unfortunately, it rained all day long so that part was cancelled. However, all of my family was there and even in the rain it was a great event.
In this photo are two of my uncles, Neal and Bill, my cousins daughter, Blythe, my dad with Handley, and my cousin, Bryn.
And lastly, here is a picture of my mom's new puppy, Maggie. Handley loved spending the week playing with her.
Stay tuned for some more pictures. I have to get them from my mom's camera...