Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Robby's surgery update
He's feeling pretty good (as well as can be expected) and hopes that each day will get a little better. Tonight some friends came over to bring us dinner, so we enjoyed visiting with them. I think it was a good distraction for Robby and fun for all of us to just talk and laugh together. I'll be sure to keep updating about how he's doing, so check back for more info in the next few days.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Team Spirit
A Family Affair
Handley finally figured out how to drive her big wheels.

Ready for the boat ride!

Having a blast on the giant tube!

Heather, CB, and Gramma relaxing on the deck.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Knee Surgery Needed...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I just love...
Sydney was getting tired of Handley taking all of the pillow (yes, Sydney has her own pillow that she lays her head on). Her attack is always to lick Handley. The picture below looks like Handley is screaming, but she is actually laughing hysterically. :-)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lake Fun
Most of the day Saturday was spent on the boat. The weather was okay, but we were able to find some sun for at least part of the day. We went to the famous jumping rock so Robby and Corey to both jump.
Handley and Marlee were happy when we took a break for a snack.
Saturday afternoon we went wake-boarding with some other friends and Robby hurt his knee. We pulled back to get him and when he wasn't swimming to get in the boat we knew something was wrong. I won't go into gory details, but he said his knee did something that is not normal and no knee should ever do. His whole leg is swollen and he can't put any pressure on it. We got to see an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow afternoon. Needless to say, he spent the rest of the weekend with his leg propped up and ice on it.
He was able to hobble down to the boat on Sunday to take us on a boat ride. Corey wake-boarded a little more on Sunday and I just love this picture of Kathy and Marlee watching him!
Handley showed Marlee a few things while they were here, some good, like the joy of eating a "pop-pop" (popsicle) and some not so good, like teaching her how to take off her snack-trap lid.
We had a great time and miss you guys already! Can't wait until our next visit together.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pretty Pink Pedicure
I've been wanting to paint Handley's toenails for a while now and I'm not sure what was stopping me. I guess I thought the chemicals from the nail polish would be bad for her or something.
While she was eating dinner in the highchair I painted away. They aren't perfect (because she wasn't about to sit still), but after I finished I held her leg up so she could see and the biggest grin came across her face. She loves it and I know she feels pretty. :-) What girl doesn't like pink toenails?!?!
Just in case you were wondering...
Like a kid on Christmas Eve...
That is exactly how I feel right now...just like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for tomorrow. Some of our best friends, Kathy, Corey and their little girl Marlee are coming to visit for the weekend. I haven't seen them since April, which feels like forever ago!
You know how sometimes you meet people that you just automatically connect with? That is exactly what happened with Kathy and Corey. When we moved to Orlando, we hardly knew anyone and didn't have any friends there. Then, I was hired to team-teach 1st grade and was introduced to the girl I'd be teaching with. I could have never imagined how close we would become and how much we would end up having in common. Those of you who are married know that it isn't very likely for the husbands to be just as good of friends as the wives, but that is what happened with Robby and Corey!
Corey and Robby with their baby girls...the first day Handley was home from the hospital.
Kathy and I went through a lot together...not only teaching side-by-side for two years and providing each other with much needed comic relief at times, but we were also pregnant together, went through the birth of our daughters within a few months of each other and made it through the newborn phase together. When we got word that we were moving back to Atlanta, Robby and I were thrilled, but sad at the same time to leave behind such great friends.
Kathy with Handley (1 day old) in the hospital.
The girls hanging out on the boat.
Handley (2 1/2 months) and Marlee (4 1/2 months) enjoying their first play date!
Carrie Beth and Handley, Kathy and Marlee, Kristen and Halle - 1st play date
Thanksgiving week - Marlee 7 months, Handley 5 months
Marlee (1 year) and Handley (10 months) ready to do lunch and a little shopping!
They arrive tomorrow and we plan to spend the weekend up at the lake. Robby and Corey both love to wake-board, so I'm sure that is how we'll spend most of our weekend. Check back next week for more pictures from our weekend!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Shake your booty!
When we hopped on their boat they told me that the front would be the quietest place for me to sit with Handley. Well, um, let me just say that if the front was supposed to be the quietest place, I certainly didn't want to be in the back of the boat. The music was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself think or talk and let's just say their selection of music (rap) was not what I would have chosen for my 14 month old to be listening to. I was about to ask them to turn it down until Handley stood up and started dancing like I'd never seen her dance before. It was hilarious. Robby and I were dying laughing and could not believe our eyes. Then she kept busting out all these new moves and I don't even know where she got them. She was entertaining everyone else on the boat too and had a blast flirting with all the guys. I can't wait for the teenage years....j/k!
When the day was over and we got back onto our quiet boat, she told her Daddy that she wanted a boat like theirs. :-) I can't believe that I don't have a single picture or video of her dancing or of the amazing wake-boarding, but we're heading up again next weekend, so hopefully I'll have some to post then.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Beach Vacation

Stefanie and Trey looked like pros at paddle ball and every time their ball would get away from them, you can be sure Handley was all over it!