What a wonderful weekend! Great friends, great weather, and tons of fun on the lake. The Atkinson's made the trip up to the lake with us this weekend and we had a blast. From the minute they arrived Handley and Avery were connected at the hip. Handley had been talking about Avery coming to the lake for about a month now and was beside her self with excitement. Harper and Dylan were pretty inseparable too. Harper just loves Dylan and can't wait for him to really start crawling around and playing with her.
As soon as they arrived we loaded up the coolers and beach bags and headed out on the water. We spent ALL day out there. 6 hours to be exact. Some might think that would just be asking for trouble with 4 kids all under the age of 3, but it was absolutely perfect. We started the day off with a little tubing for the big girls.

After that we headed to our favorite "beach" for some playtime. There was some great people watching and it was a great place to relax. The kids had fun playing in the water and building sand castles.
Dylan's first time on the boat was a success. He napped like a pro, enjoyed the sights and sounds, and loved the water.

After playing at the beach it was time for some more sunscreen and then we headed off to another fun spot...the jumping rock. Both Daddies jumped while the kids and Mommies stayed in the boat and counted down for them.

Finally it was time to head back to the house for dinner. On the boat ride back all 4 kiddos were so tired they all took naps. Back at the house we enjoyed appetizers and dinner on the deck and that was immediately followed by a fun bath. Then, the real fun began. Handley and Avery had their first sleepover party! They dressed alike in their princess nightgowns and were giggling about being able to sleep in the same room together. I promised them if they went to bed they could have cinnamon buns in the morning. It only took one time of us going back in the room before they were fast asleep.
Sunday was another fun day. Harper fell asleep out on the water and was out like a light for a solid hour while we swam and played on the beach. I couldn't believe she was sleeping through it all, but she did. All that playing made us hungry so we headed over to the Tiki Hut for lunch. It took FOREVER to get our food, but again, the kids were so patient. Handley and Avery got to test out the tractor, have ice cream, and feed the ducks.
All in all it was a fabulous weekend. The kids were perfect all weekend and that made it so much fun for the parents too. We can't wait to do it again soon!
That sounds like an amazing time! I love the picture of Harper asleep with her little arms out- I can't wait to have another baby around here, too!
Oh!!! We had so! much! fun! Thank you! I can't believe how easy it was with all of the kids. They were such angels! Thank you for having us!!!
Wow! That does sound like an amazingly wonderful weekend. Definitely nice to have flexible kids, and it sounds like all 4 were absolutely perfect! Sure makes it easier to be a parent when the kids are so easy going!
Fun! You guys look like you had a blast! I love that the girls got a slumber party night and had matching pjs too! So cute!
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