Handley has been sleeping in her BIG BED (as she calls it) for almost a month now. However, I wanted to wait and blog about it until I was done with all her bedding. Here's the story:
Handley saw a few friends who had big beds and started asking about switching hers. Knowing what she meant, but trying to buy me some time I told her she did have a big girl bed (toddler bed - basically her crib with the front off of it). She would get frustrated and say, "No Mommy, not a big girl bed (what she called her toddler bed). I want a BIG BIG bed." I told her we'd get her a big bed soon, but I was thinking down the road, like maybe this summer. However, she kept asking so finally I gave in. It wasn't that I didn't want her to have a big bed, but I didn't want her to have a big bed with out big pretty bedding and I just honestly didn't have the time. As it is right now I had/have 2 big sewing projects I was/am working for other people, I'm planning her class Easter party, somehow volunteered myself to head up our huge neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt, and I'm planning Harper's 1st Birthday Party. Whew. There are just not enough hours in the day.
A few weeks ago Handley spent the night with Gigi and Papa so Robby and I decided that would be the perfect time to switch her bed. We already had a mattress and bed rails in the basement and I'd gotten some princess sheets at Wal-Mart that were waiting for this big occasion. An hour later it was done and when I stepped back to take it in the bed looked SO big. Too big and way too tall for my little girl. However, when she got home and heard her Daddy tell her about a surprise in her room she couldn't get up there fast enough. All I heard from behind her was a gasp and a squeal, "A BIG bed!!!" She was so happy. She tried to climb up and couldn't even get up because it was so high. We went to Target the next day to get a stool to help her get up and down on her own.
I was worried about her falling out since it is so high and we didn't have bed rails, but I tucked pillows around her and she did great. Slept like a baby and has ever since the big transition. She was happy as could be, but I was not. Every time I walked past her room I'd cringe at the sight of the un-finished bed with only sheets on it. I don't know why I cared so much. She hated to be covered up while she slept and could care less about a comforter, bed skirt, and pillow shams, but I wanted it so I got to work.
I know a lot of people look forward to doing a "big girl room" so that they can re-decorate and start from scratch. However, I love her room and curtains that were already there. I have such great memories of my mom coming to FL while I was pregnant to help me sew all of her crib bedding and curtains when I was just learning to use my sewing machine. I was in over my head with that project, but it was totally worth it in the end. I knew I wanted to keep the same look going in there so thankfully my mom found the $40-a-yard fabric at a discount fabric shop for only $7.99 a yard! She sent it to me and I got to work right a way, but it has still taken me almost a month to get it all done. When Handley first saw her "BIG covers" she was thrilled. I didn't think she'd want to sleep under her comforter since she never wanted to be covered up before, but she is a changed woman! Finally the rest of it is done and her big girl room is complete!
It all looks beautiful! And I am so glad that your transition has been so smooth:)
Lainey is the same way with the comforter...she was in her bed for 2-3 months before I actually got her to sleep under the comforter...now she's going through a "Im hot" phase so she just wants the sheet. So glad she transitioned good!!! L did great too!! We did the whole "big girl room" remodel but B is in the nursery which I adore so I didn't have to give it up really... :)
It is beautiful!!! I didn't know you did sewing projects for other people :) I may contact you about doing some curtains for us - are you interested in that kind of thing?
This looks awesome!!! You are so talented! I wish I had just a touch of your talent! Then maybe I would at least have window treatments in my house (you know, besides the ones YOU made!:-)) Can't believe our girls are big enough for BIG beds!
wow the bed looks great Carrie Beth! I can't wait until you teach me your sewing ways. I know I'll be calling on you a lot when we get into the new house. :)
Wow, that is amazing!!!
I'll have to consult you if we ever get around to finishing an upstairs room for the boys. Right now, their room (yes, hopefully this weekend it will be their room, eek!) is so plain since I see it as transitional.
So cute!!
Gorgeous! And wow is she proud of your masterpiece. Just so hard to believe she is big enough to sleep in it. I just love her Big Girl Room!
It's beautiful!! I have a tear in my eye thinking of your little baby in that big girl bed. It looks great.
I am just going CRAZY over that adorable BIG girl room!!! It is absolutely perfect for a princess. Love, love, love the bedding. You are SO talented.
That looks fantastic!! I love her fabric. So cute!
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